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Causes of Tooth
Discoloration and Its Prevention

The oral cavity plays significant jobs in the insurance and protection of overall wellbeing; it is associated with communication, food intake, and defense. Teeth are associated with all three jobs, and dental sicknesses can be a starting point of various issues, including oral infections causing difficulty and trouble for biting, eating, and speaking.

Many people think that stained teeth do not have any effect on their overall health. But the truth is that discolored teeth not only make your smile look unattractive but can also cause different gum and tooth diseases.

Many people think that stained teeth do not have any effect on their overall health. But the truth is that discolored teeth not only make your smile look unattractive but can also cause different gum and tooth diseases.

What is tooth discoloration?

It is the discoloration of your teeth when they lose their original color and start getting stains. Tooth staining can be the reason for incredible embarrassment and can cause individuals to feel hesitant about smiling. Remember that nobody’s teeth usually are white, and it’s normal for our teeth to get more stained as we age.

Types of teeth stains:

There are usually two types of teeth stains. Let us discuss the types and their nature.

Intrinsic tooth stain:

This happens when the inward structure of the tooth, the dentin, obscures or builds up a yellow tint. This can be brought about by various things:

Medications, for example, Antibiotic medication and Doxycycline Anti-infection agents, a few Antihistamines, Antihypertensives, and Antipsychotics.

A few illnesses can influence the shade of the dentin or enamel. Furthermore, treatment, for example, chemotherapy, can likewise cause staining.

Drinking an excessive amount of fluids during childhood.

Broken teeth which can cause staining because of enamel damage.

Extrinsic tooth stain:

This happens when the external layer of the enamel becomes discolored because of the utilization of specific substances. Eatables that can cause tooth staining to include:

Poor dental cleanliness that outcomes in the gathering of stain-causing particles

Food and drink, for example, coffee, tea, wine, cola, tobacco, and certain vegetables and fruits, such as apples and potatoes.

Chewing tobacco or smoking.

Causes of tooth discoloration:

Many things can cause your teeth to get stained. Here are a few reasons why your teeth lose its original color:

  1. Eating and drinking habits:

Your eating and drinking habits might have a huge impact on the color of your teeth. There are several types of food that can cause your teeth to stain. Eating an excessive amount of these foods are harmful to your teeth. These foods include:

A few fruits and vegetables, too much coffee, tea, wine, carbonated drinks, etc.

  1. Bad oral hygiene:

Another reason for tooth discoloration is poor dental hygiene. Deficient brushing and flossing to evacuate plaque and stain-creating substances like coffee and tobacco can cause tooth staining.

  1. Smoking or tobacco:

Smoking is not only harmful to your lungs, but it also makes your teeth stained. Smokers might tend to get more dental issues as compared to non-smokers. Thus, smoking is injurious for your overall health, including your oral health. Also, chewing tobacco can accelerate the process of teeth staining and discoloration.

  1. Several medications:

Some antibiotics, when given to children when their teeth are developing, can cause tooth discoloration. Also, some mouthwashes and rinses contain substances that can discolor your teeth.

  1. A few diseases:

A few illnesses that influence enamel (the hard surface of the teeth) and dentin (the basic substance under the enamel) development can prompt tooth staining. Moreover, medical treatments for specific conditions can likewise influence tooth shading. For instance, head and neck radiation and chemotherapy can cause teeth staining. Furthermore, certain infections in pregnant moms can cause tooth staining in the newborn child by affecting enamel development.

Tooth discoloration preventions:

The ideal approach to prevent tooth stains is to brush your teeth regularly after eating foods that can cause staining and to ensure you are brushing your teeth two times every day and flossing. Additionally, eat tooth-discoloring foods and drinks with some restraint.

Eating sugarless gum can help kill the acids in the mouth. High-fiber foods can help bring down the corrosive level too; vegetables, for example, beans or spinach, can help produce more saliva in the mouth and can keep the teeth clean.

When you consume foods and drinks that cause teeth staining, you can alleviate their belongings in a few different ways. Drink tea or coffee through a straw. The equivalent goes for natural product juices, sodas, and other carbonated drinks; utilize a straw at whatever point conceivable.

If tooth discoloring has just happened, you can use at-home brightening remedies or get yourself a tooth recoloration. One home remedy is brushing teeth infrequently with a small amount of baking soda, yet this is not prompted for regular use, as it tends to be rough. Some home solutions for teeth brightening is to use hydrogen peroxide, and these cures additionally should be utilized with water, since peroxide is incredibly acidic and can damage your teeth.

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